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Press Releases


Natural gas consumption in EU 27 in 2007

According to initial Eurogas figures, total natural gas consumption in the EU 27 fell by 1.5% in 2007 compared with the previous year. These figures highlight the positive performance of Spain, Italy and the United Kingdom, where natural gas consumption rose during the period.


2008 Sustainability Yearbook recognises efforts of Spanish energy companies in sustainability and corporate responsibility

Gas Natural and Repsol were awarded "Gold Class" status by the 2008 Sustainability Yearbook for their gas-related operations. The Yearbook also recognises the efforts of BP in the field of gas, and of Iberdrola, Endesa and Unión Fenosa in the electrical sphere.


Natural gas in Europe over next 25 years

"Given its environmentally friendly properties and the high level of efficiency in the technologies employed, natural gas remains the preferred fuel and will continue to make substantial contributions to the EU 27's energy supply... the bulk of growth coming from electrical generation". This is one of the conclusions set out in the study drawn up by Eurogas, assessing natural gas supply and demand in Europe up to 2030.


Natural gas becomes main source of electrical output

Natural gas has for the first time in its history in Spain become the main source for electrical generation, looking at the sum of consumption over the past 365 days. 25% of all electrical energy produced in Spain in 2007 was generated using natural gas, as a result essentially of the development of combined cycle power plants, a total of 53 of which were in place by the end of the year.


China and India: new emerging giants of world economy and international energy markets

"The rapid economic development of China and India will inevitably lead to an increase in global energy demands, but will also represent substantial economic benefits for the rest of the world". This statement is included in the Executive Summary of the publication "World Energy Outlook 2007. Notes on China and India", drawn up by the International Energy Agency and distributed in Spanish by Enerclub for the information of all its members. Sedigas members are here given access to the report.


Marta Margarit, new Secretary-General of Sedigas

Sedigas has since 18 January had in place a new Secretary-General. Marta Margarit studied Industrial Engineering at the Advanced Technical School of Industrial Engineers in Barcelona, holds an MBA from ESADE and an Executive MBA from the University of Chicago.



Natural gas demand rises 4.3% in 2007

During 2007 natural gas demand increased by 4.3%, up to a level of 408 TWh (some 35.1 Bcm), according to provisional data at the close of the year. Meanwhile, 89% of the gas sold during the year was distributed via the deregulated market.


SEDIGAS and CONAIF form joint body for individual certification

Sedigas, the Spanish Gas Association, and CONAIF (the National Confederation of Associations of Installation Companies) have set up a joint certification body for gas fitters. The enterprise, known as CONAIF-SEDIGAS Certificación, S.L., marks a new chapter in the certification of fitters, allowing them to work anywhere in the country at an authorised gas installation company. The new system will help improve the qualifications of professionals, and so increase the quality of gas installations.

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